Monday, June 15, 2009


So... I tweeted a link today to share a video with the Twitterverse, and one of my followers (who shall remain unnamed) shared the same link shortly after. Now, this is no newbie to Twitter. He/she knows the lingo. So why no RT @aliciahouselog? Is this just me being a snobby attention whore or is this bad Twitterquette?
When is it acceptable to ignore the RT? When is it vital to use the RT? I know I was probably not the ONLY person on the planet to share the video, but it was quite obvious that he/she was RTing my tweet. Thoughts?

(P.S. I would have accepted an IHF wholeheartedly.)


Nguyen Duong said...

was there room left in the RT to include your name? if there was, i def think it's NOT cool to have omitted the source. especially if you wrote a pithy tweet. i've seen it happen a lot. will you "unfollow" or "block" them now? [feels very high-schoolish] ;) hehe

alicia houselog said...

hahaha- definitely enough room. i'll probably continue to follow them. i'll just refrain from any @ tweets in their direction. (ooo! online cold shoulder!) however, i would never stoop so low as to omit a RT back at them. wouldn't want to spread the poor twitterquette.

Dirk Lemon said...

I guess it's just good manners...which not everyone follows just like in the offline world!

madjazfin said...

I wouldn't assume the worst of people too quickly. With the rapid adoption, many of us Xers and Boomers are trying to keep up with what seems like a foreign language. Maybe some gentle instruction and encouragement might help "us" get there faster. Keep up the great posts - we're learning!

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