Friday, July 24, 2009

Libby Issendorf likes this: Modern Amusement

Remember when Erin and I yelled about social media not being an awareness driver? There are a few rare exceptions. One I'd like to highlight comes from apparel brand Modern Amusement. They're a relatively obscure (some might say hipster) brand looking to get their name out with, presumably, no budget. They asked existing Facebook fans to submit photos of them in Modern Amusement clothing. The photo with the most "Likes" wins. That's it. It requires minimal effort for existing fans (most already have a photo on their computer or on Facebook), it's dead simple for Modern Amusement to track the leaders, and it invites fans organically through their network.

For brands with huge awareness already, like Volkswagen or Starbucks, a contest like this might not invite the level of engagement they're seeking. These brands also have highly recognizable products that don't require an entire fan photo album to showcase. But for Modern Amusement, this is the perfect way to introduce themselves. Fans are basically building them a free catalog and endorsing it. When the contest is over, they should comment on these photos with Buy links to the merchandise in the photos, or tag them with the name of the clothing item.

And all you Yaybia readers should absolutely become fans of Modern Amusement and click "Like" on the photo of my co-worker Chase (the entry pictured here), who introduced me to the contest in the first place.

*Side note: Remember BMW films and how revolutionary it was to put VIDEO on the INTERNET? Moment of silence for Fallon's glory days.

1 comment:

Minus Manhattan said...

Chase Turner likes this.

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