Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Fast Company has an article about a study Buyology Inc. and Elias Arts did to see what the most Addicting sounds in the world are. Sounds like babies giggling and a cash register make the Top 10 list, as does the sound of a vibrating mobile phone. This is yet another sign of the (obvious to most) dominance of mobile phones. As mentioned in the article:

"Psychologically speaking, this is not a happy discovery. Recent studies show that the first thing we do when we wake is check our BlackBerry. Going to the bathroom, brushing our teeth and eating breakfast takes a back seat. Increasingly people sleep beside their phones--that message that arrives at 4.00am, is now a priority! Even though the sound of a vibrating phone has taken second place to a baby's giggles, it seems that in just over a decade technology now provides the predominant sounds of daily life."

Imagine what else is going to be predominant ten years from now?

Also interesting in the article are the number of brands that make the Top 10: Intel, National Geographic, MTV, T-Mobile ringtone, McDonald's, and State Farm. 60% of the list is branded!

As the article points out, 83% of advertising depends on visuals, but the effect of sound seems to be the most powerful sense when it comes to recall. Perhaps if more brands relied more heavily on activating our senses beyond sight, that could be a powerful way to break through the clutter. After all, if a campaign came out that relied on your sense of smell, you'd remember that, wouldn't you?

From the study:

Non-branded and branded sounds:
1. Baby giggle
2. Intel
3. Vibrating phone
4. ATM / cash register
5. National Geographic
6. MTV
7. T-Mobile Ringtone
8. McDonald's
9. 'Star Spangled Banner'
10. State Farm
Top 10 Branded sounds:
1. Intel
2. National Geographic
3. MTV
4. T-Mobile
5. McDonald's
7. State Farm
8. AT&T Ringtone
9. Home Depot
10 Palm Treo Ringtone

Top 10 Non-branded sounds:
1. Baby giggle
2. Vibrating phone
3. ATM / cash register
4. "Star Spangled Banner"
5. Sizzling steak
6. 'Hail to the Chief'
7. Cigarette light and inhale
8. "Wedding March"
9. "Wish Upon a Star"
10. Late Night with David Letterman Theme

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