Thursday, June 3, 2010

European rant #2

Lately, this new spot for McDonalds France is getting quite a few youtube hits and favourable reviews over at Good and PSFK. Pink News, a gay online news service, says the ad "has had a mixed reception from online viewers", however.

Well, my reaction is rather mixed as well. How does McDonalds "take a public stand for tolerance" in that spot? Not even the dad takes a private stand for tolerance here. In fact, not even the boy himself. He hangs up the phone on his boyfriend as his dad arrives with the food. He is secretely gay.

Did I miss the part where McDonald's great burgers make him come out of the closet? McDonalds want to tell me they "even" serve homosexuals, as long as they are not openly gay? McDonalds wants to emphasize that they will not ask for my sexual orientation when I order a Royal with cheese? Can somebody please explain that ad to me?


Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Yeah no kidding, what the heck?

P.S. I'm doing a MN/WI blog get together in August. If you'd be interested, feel free to check out my blog and send me an email.

Sadako said...

Some people think it's implied that he tells the dad after the ad ends. I kind of liked it because it was realistic--it's not always easy to tell people these things IRL.

Damien Macquart said...

I think McDonalds wants to mean that the son wouldn't have to hang up or hide when he's at macdonalds. The reason why he hangs up is the fear of his father, which makes the ad even more sad to me.

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