Monday, May 24, 2010

Guess what is back on stage

Ladies and Gentlemen, after a err...short spring break, we'll present to you today, the solution to our last Guess What puzzle and a new brainteaser from the wonderful European advertising scene.

Act 1:
Ze French want your organs. The good hearts of prematurely deceased homophobic racists can save lots of lifes.

Act 2:
The Belgians also want your organs. They just tell you differently.

Act 3:
Your turn. The quizmaster wants your opinion. What product or service is inside the black box?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lesson learned.

Well, according to AdAge, Dawn is all over this oil spill in the gulf that I wrote about yesterday. I will admit a big fail on my part for not looking harder for it. However, in all my Googling, searching press releases and news reports, I saw NO documentation of this happening. It seems the only notifications were on Facebook and Twitter, which neither page showed up while I was Googling.

So today I ask myself - what more can Dawn do so that people actually know about this?

1. Donate More. None of the notes on Facebook + Twitter talk about additional donations.

2. More Press releases: Facebook + Twitter are not mainstream, and apparently not optimized for search. Look at this quote, and tell me that doesn't deserve it's own amount of attention:
"Which made us wonder: After all these years, is scrubbing with Dawn really the most advanced method of oil-bird cleansing? "It's the best product to date that cleans the birds," Holcomb says. (And not just because they give his group donations!) "It almost seems silly, but it really is the right thing." (Source)

I'm sure that in the coming days the clean up will become more intense as the spill hits the shores, and I hope that Dawn gets in there, front and center, with the non-profits that they are supporting. I know they are probably trying hard not to turn this into a huge thing where they get backlash for capitalizing on a bad situation, but Tide Loads of Hope keeps coming to mind as someone who did it right.

Turn Things Upside Down

This might be the second voice over + text commercial that I've ever liked.

Let's also take a quick moment to note the updated features and layout on YouTube. Nice work.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Dawn dishsoap and a big opportunity.

As the oil spill in the gulf spreads and nears the coast, BP is becoming bigger and bigger news (with some coverage directly hammering them for their "green" campaign), and as much as they try to make things right, they are going to continue to look like the bad guy. If you ask me, this press around the oil spill presents a huge opportunity for Dawn to capitalize

Currently, Dawn is running these TV spots talking about how their product is used to clean animals from oil spills. it is heart felt, and they are donating up to $500,000, but you have to get online to register your purchase (kind of a lame step if you ask me):

Well hey Dawn, here is your chance (and quite frankly, I hope that you are already planning this). Practice what you preach and get down there to help clean up the spill. Show up with a big truck, in the Tide "Loads of Hope" style, and make sure that every animal gets a big Dawn scrub down.

The stars are aligned: lots of negative press about one company not living up to their brand = opportunity to be a hero and live up to your brand. Plus, cute animals are all the rage right now on the internets.

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