Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ebay Campaign: Don't just shop - win!

Hello and welcome at yaybia, may I help you? Are you looking for something specific? Some real shrunken heads from Ecuador? Just follow me. Right over here. You can get 26 for just under 25 Dollars. A true gem for every living room. Anything else? What? Sure, we have Doritos that look like the pope's hat. Just over here in the divine aisle next to the moldy white Virgin Mary bread. Both sells for just 29,009 Dollars combined. Apropos: We have some fresh virginity today. Aged for 18 years, directly from Britain - so make sure to get it as long as we have it. Usually it doesn't last very long. And please pay attention to our special offer. Today we have the meaning of life for just 3,26 Dollars. Oh, no I am sorry we can't send that to your aunt in Sweden. This particular item only ships within the US. Thanks for shopping with us today and come back soon.

There are some things money can't buy, but there is nothing that can't be sold on the world's largest marketplace. No matter if you want to get rid of your favorite UFO detector kit or if you need to sell your antique vampire slaughter box, ebay will connect you to the significant somebody who just happened to look for exactly that. Just take a few pictures of your treasure, describe it nicely, wait for a week and your money and mail it out. It's a true win-win situation.

But what if the true winner was actually ebay? What if ebay itself bought all the crazy stuff so they can circulate a catchy press release about the wonderfully weird stuff that is sold on the world wide web. What if all the blogger buzz about the online selling spree was actually built on false premises? What if some smart people in the Marketing department realized that a genie in a bottle will attract more attention than all the vintage clothing in the world? What if there was no ominous Online Casino? What if it's all a gigantic circular conspiracy?

Sure enough, ebay would have to put all that junk somewhere. They can't just throw it away without risking that somebody might find the rotten piece of cheese bread, the virginity or the meaning of life in their corporate trash can. The very plausible answer is of course that ebay is renting old abandoned army bunkers in Swiss mountains to hide all their confidential purchases. Operation Undercover. Its no secret how secretive the Swiss are.

So next time you think about bidding on that empty KFC bucket (including crumbs), an orange dot or a little much needed talent - think again! Ebay might snatch it away from you to tuck it away underneath some snowy slopes. If you still don't believe in the scheme, read ebay backwards and insert y after the a and switch the e for ia. Penny dropped? Then save it for your next ebay auction.

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