I would like to give an A+ to whoever is buying Google AdWords for JCrew right now. While reading an email about Obama in Gmail, I found this ad on the side:
When you click the link, you are brought to this page:
Thank you JCrew. With all the buzz around gorgeous Michelle Obama's outfits, I think you hit the nail on the head.
The writers of Yaybia are the most intelligent, creative, and passionate young women in Minneapolis advertising. Yaybia is our thoughts, frustrations, musings, questions, and opinions about our industry.
DISCLAIMER: Said opinions are OURS, not those of the companies we work for. We're not representing those companies, or their clients, or anyone but ourselves. Interested in contacting one or all of us? Yaybia [at] gmail [dot] com. <3
Is this literally the outfit she wore? If so, they did a GREAT job of taking that opportunity!
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