Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In an Absolut World

As I furiously wrote my cases paper last night, I took a step back and realized something. Absolut has done some of the coolest sh*t ever. Not only does their brand tagline "In An Absolut World" invite viewers to create their own idealized visions, it asks them to be submitted and possibly realized. In an Absolut world, everyone is a visionary.

Take Helmut Lang for example. His vision was for everyone to be able to experience art as if they were able to see it in a museum. His digital exhibit "Alles Gleich Shwer" is an interactive gallery of Lang's work.

And Improv Everywhere felt that in an Absolut world, everyone would be welcomed home. View their realized vision here. If I had 20 strangers welcome me home at the airport, I'd be brand loyal to Absolut forever.

Ok one more. Here's the latest visionary by Jim Denevan. In his Absolut world, cities would farm. To make this vision possible, he teamed up with Absolut to host a dinner in NYC that featured food grown in the five boroughs. Check out some press.

In my Absolut world, I'd be able to afford one of these. Please share some of your visions.


alicia houselog said...

In an Absolut world... I would own Forever21.

Anonymous said...

In an Ablsolut world, I would see a different concert every night for the rest of my life. Backstage.

Monika Frech said...

In my absolute world beaming would get me anywhere I wanted to be in no time without wasting tons of money and fossil fuels

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