Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Think twice

Click on this ad. Twice!

There is more here. And here. And on every other Jung von Matt ad on


A great way to promote a great agencies? A clever way to stick out in all-ad-environment and make your target audience smile? A good way to attract creatives to one of the most-creative German agencies? Smart media use combined with a witty idea?

Or a great way to offend your potential employees cause you imply cheating when they might just search for inspiration? An embarassing, in-your-face self-adulation to an audience who either already knows how great of an agency you are or who doesn't care? A way to turn admiration into rejection?

Or is it a great idea, but simply placed on the wrong (i.e. boring, not-worth-to-copy-at-all) ads?

1 comment:

Dirk Lemon said...

Nice idea - but Jung von Matt do some good stuff

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