Friday, March 12, 2010

Guest post: Tumblr is brainwashing Chase

Have you ever wondered the official requirements for being a Yaybia writer (or Yaybie, as the kids call us)?
  1. You must have a sense of humor
  2. You must be passionate about advertising
  3. You must have unique insight into brand communications
  4. You must have a vajayjay
Our buddy Chase meets 3 of those 4 requirements. Interpret as you will. For that reason he's not a Yaybie, but he is a Yaybia guest blogger!

Tumblr, the social blogging platform that has recently exploded in popularity, is poised to become a major purchase influencer for its users. Tumblr is mainly the domain of art and culture, the Internet go-to for the hip-minded. Tumblr is the bridge between Twitter and other popular blogging platforms; users can easily follow one another. Posts subsequently appear in a user's dashboard in real-time. Many users choose to follow friends, interests, or inhabitants of their locale. My dashboard is fairly evenly split between Minnesotans, New Yorkers, friends, and various design lovers.

When I see a product I like in my dashboard, I’ll usually click through to the product, and if no link exists I’ll investigate further. I’m following these people because I trust their opinions, so it’s the next logical step. Much of the product content that appears in my feed is made by individuals or small companies. Sites such as Etsy, Threadless, and other small outfits appear regularly on users' dashboards. I’ve bought shoes, shirts, books, cameras, and all sorts of products I became aware of via Tumblr users. Thus far, the companies themselves – whether big or small - have not jumped on this opportunity. They should. Take, for example, a J. Crew men’s feed that introduces new products and some background on their construction and purpose, straight from the designers who made the clothes. I guarantee I would end up buying products I wouldn’t normally be exposed to. With Tumblr’s newfound popularity, 2010 could be the year that brands start to jump in the mix.

I told Chase to write a bio or else I'd just put "Chase sucks." He didn't. Tell him in the comments if his post sucks.


alicia houselog said...

Chase, sorry about you not having a vajayjay. I hope that doesn't make you feel too self conscious around us Yaybies.

But loved the guest post. (Even though you "suck?")

Erin Lamberty said...

As much as I think Chase sucks, he's also pretty goddamn smart. He's a media analyst and digital ninja at Campbell Mithun / Compass Point Media in Minneapolis. Thanks for writing our first guest post, Chase!

Chase Turner said...

Thanks Ladies!

I'm grateful for the uhh...compliments. Now here's a link for your enjoyment.

Libby Issendorf said...

And I think the Tumblr audience is very likely to indulge themselves with impulse purchases big and small. Young nerds with disposable income burning a hole in their pockets. I'm debating starting Recaps of all shit re-posted on the 1st and 15th.

alicia houselog said...

I need to get an iPhone just so I can read that QR code. NAO!

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