Monday, March 15, 2010

Yaybies, get hold of your guessing skills again

Physician: Your findings are back. I am afraid, I don't have good news for you today.
Patient: Oh ok, what's the diagnosis?
Physician: I am sorry. You have cancer and Alzheimer's.
Patient: Well, at least it's not cancer. *

In France, one million people can't get hold of their memories:

Last week's ad is for the Association France Alzheimer. J9 is back and with a vengeance: Congratulations for guessing the right answer right away!

And here is this week's challenge. It should have a familiar ring at least for some of yaybia's guessers. Have fun and good luck!

* I know that both cancer and Alzheimer's disease are very serious and the cause of dire distress for the patients and their families. When I worked on a dementia project for the biggest part of last year, I have learned that humour can be one way to deal with it. Not the only one of course, but one that apparently works for quite a few of the victims. I hope I have not offended anyone for whom it might not work. End of proactive excuse.


Jeanine Lilke said...

Well, that was lucky.

alicia houselog said...

Okay... I'll bite. What immediately came to mind was an anti-binge drinking/drug abuse ad. (And your subtle hint made me dive in.)

You're probably playing tricks on me and it'll be something completely bizarre & different... but I'll stick with it.

Libby Issendorf said...

So I see this and I think, "you're shitting on your clothes." So maybe it's for a detergent in the sense that if you don't use German Tide, you are shitting on your clothes?

Wow, that's a stretch. Somebody's in media/web nerd...

Jeanine Lilke said...

I also went to the anti-binge drinking place. You'll get so drunk you'll poo on your clothes. Or maybe it's for super soft toilet paper. Toilet paper as soft as your laundry. If he is drunk it's surprising he remembered to grab TP.

Unknown said...

I thing it's promotion for oculists. Go to your oculist and get new glasses so you won't mix up your laundry basket with the toilet.

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