Tuesday, March 30, 2010

You Can Never Have Enough Lash Blast

So I finally got around to watching the Drew Barrymore movie "Whip It" last weekend and there was one line in the movie that was so obvious and out of place I swear it formed a physical entity and glared at me.

When Maggie Mayhem is applying eye make up on Babe Ruthless, she says "You can never have enough eye liner. Or LashBlast."

That's right, Drew Barrymore (the Cover Girl LashBlast spokesperson), in her directorial debut, squeaked that product placement in there. And IMDb confirms it.

I'm not outraged or anything, but for a movie that pretty much avoids mentioning almost any other brands and focuses on the underground culture of roller derby, it just didn't seem to fit the tone of the movie.

So, I kind of have to agree with Kevin Smith. As much as it pains me :-)


Jacey Berg said...

It was a good movie though, I'd recommend it!

KINGRPG said...

I like that you think. Thank you for share very much.

Nellie Murray said...

"I'm not outraged or anything..." Hah. You're funny.

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