Thursday, June 26, 2008

Matter Box

J9 tipped us off to this a few weeks ago and like everything else in my life, it slipped under the radar for a while and is just taking a spot on the front burner at 3:00am on a Wednesday, err now Thursday morning. Better late than never. Check it.

What is Matter?
Matter is a box of free stuff that brands give to consumers to encourage conversation about the products. The project is run by some awesome Brits at Artomatic with support from Royal Mail. Who ever said direct mailing couldn't be cool?

Why it Matter(s)? Right now the operation is just running in the UK and scheduled to hit the states later this year. People love free stuff in general, but the economy just might stir up a little more love for free samples. Product/service/brand recommendations from friends/family/co-workers can make or break a company's success, so staying on top means getting people talking, which is exactly what Matter is all about.

How to Matter? Brands can work with Matter to get their gear in the box and determine their target from initial online accounts. So in this case, thinking outside the box means getting in the box.

Get your own Matter.

While free samples aren't new to the world, they are often overlooked or reserved for super markets on Sundays. When I think about some of my recent purchases that required me to actually use/try the product before I made the final decision to buy (iPhone, new beer, Girl Talk album) I can't help but to think about the impact of the "Yes! I love this, I'm going to buy it moment." I am also more likely to tell people about what I bought or have them try it out. So maybe I'm just broke and in love with free stuff, or maybe Matter box is going to give direct mailing a much needed makeover while providing companies with greater opportunities for quality brand chatter.

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