Friday, June 13, 2008

Minnesota Pioneer Press?

Since when did the St. Paul Pioneer Press become the Minnesota Pioneer Press?

Photo taken outside of Brit's Pub.

With the newspaper industry is sitting on the edge of pending doom and potential new business opportunities, our old printing friends have been the topic of many a conversation as of late. Whether newspapers decide to go hyper-local, all digital, or start waving their white flags - big changes are on the way. Libby and I noticed the name change on the Pioneer Press as we were leaving Brit's with the Grinterns. There currently isn't a statewide paper, or is there now? We have our local papers that cover high school sports and grandma's 80th birthday party notices, and we have our USA Today's and NY Times that are read mostly online and nationwide. But there isn't a dominant statewide paper. Maybe the Pioneer Press is on to something. Or maybe they're just trying to look busy at work. Thoughts?

P.S. the Pioneer Press home page, while lucky enough to dominate the domain, scared the crap out of me with this giant Star Wars ad. SKIP IT.

UPDATE! I was at my mom's house this weekend and spotted a Dakota County Pioneer Press!


Sylvie said...

Minnesota Pioneer Press will always be St.Paul Pioneer Press!

Sylvie said...

I hearrrrd that it's because the same company who own Star Trib bought Pioneer Press. Thanks for the warning Err, the Star Wars flap was freaky.

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