Monday, October 20, 2008

McCain launches UGC competition! Appear in a McCain ad!

Jumping on the User Generated Content bandwagon of 2006, John McCain shows his age once again by asking users to submit their own "I'm Joe the Plumber and I love McCain" video. Actually, you don't submit it, you post it on YouTube and send them a link.

See the details here:

Straight from the website, the guidelines are:
* Your video must be 27 seconds long (3 seconds are required for a legal disclaimer)
* Use appropriate imagery, language and music.
* Do not use copyrighted music, pictures or videos.

And John McCains Ideas and Suggestions:
* Be creative! The video that most effectively tells why you are Joe the Plumber will be featured in a TV ad.
* Tell us why you are like Joe the Plumber.
* How would Barack Obama's plan to "Spread the Wealth Around" hurt you?
* Explain why you're voting for the McCain-Palin ticket.
* Tell your story simply and clearly.

And just like Doritos let you do, you could get your video on TV! No way! Except this time you only get to be on air in swing states, instead of the SuperBowl.

I think my favorite part is this: "How would Barack Obama's plan to "Spread the Wealth Around" hurt you?"
Lets get over the negative advertising people!

Seriously, why not ask people to explain How would McCain's plan HELP you, why do you have to go for the negative?

So does anyone have an over under on joke submissions? I am guessing that nearly every serious submission is doubled or tripled by a mockery.


Libby Issendorf said...

Props to old man winter's campaign for being dead-on in their tax strategy. They're definitely putting all the emphasis on how McCain is for universal CUTS, get this tax increase shit out of here.

But OBVS they are beating this Joe the Plumber nonsense to death. It's already a joke, and McCain is proving he's on the outside of it. J. Mac's gonna have to have someone show him "the YouTubes" so he can take a look at the submissions for himself.

And if I hear ONE MORE WORD about how Barack Obama is such a celebrity and he's stupid for campaigning on Facebook, I will say that at least he's not Doritos almost 3 years after Doritos were cool.

(So I assume we're using iMac to make the most redneck fake submissions ever this week, yes?)

Carina Enbody said...

imac + plunger + costumes = libby & carina take over the youtube airwaves.

Monika Frech said...

hihi, i just scrolled past your post again and the order of your tags caught my eye: obama, carina, mccain. love it!

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