Monday, December 1, 2008

Money with surplus value

What financial crisis?
If money is the problem, let money be the solution:

Persil is a detergent.
Hornbach is a home improvement store.
The copy says: You can beautify everything.

Wow, wouldn't this be the perfect ad space?
Guaranteed relevancy paired with automatic circulation.

Twelve students of the Merz Akademie in Stuttgart and their teacher, Thomas Winkler, suggest that the German Federal Reserve should offer parts of the euro bills for advertising. They calculate that the government could earn as much as 700 billion euro within two years. To reach that sum with the circulating twelve million bills, the price for one ad would have to be 1.20 Euro for one month.

For now, the bills with their clever headlines, generated a whole lot of media buzz for the advertising students and their artist/teacher.

However, the idea is not entirely new: During another Great Depression in the late 1920s a lot of German communities printed their own money, because inflation was so rapid that the government couldn't print bills fast enough. Some of them printed ads on their bills to co-finance the paper they were printed on.


Libby Issendorf said...

Amazing--I've seen rubber stamped ads on dollar bills before, but legitimate advertising is a whole different story.

Dirk Lemon said...

Nice concept...and the bills are even made to look better

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