Friday, March 19, 2010

How to get a job in advertising

I met with some NDSU kids last week and gave them the scoop on how to get a job in advertising. I can't lie, I was shocked to see the blank faces when we explained to them how potential employers check out your Facebook and how you need to be on LinkedIn. I told them, "Get a blog. You have. To get. A blog." It's 2010, am I right? You must take every single opportunity to surround your potential employers with your brilliance. When they Google you, don't you want to explode their search results with glowing insights and evidence that you get integrated communication?

It's like social media for brands, I guess. If you can post behind-the-scenes footage in social media and help your audience feel like they know you, why wouldn't you? If you have the opportunity to preview the product online as much as possible, aren't you way more likely to buy?

Go read my tips and please leave me some comment love over there so my co-workers can see that I have really smart friends and I don't just creep in my basement lair all day long.

(Also: all the Yaybies have stellar Google results. I love us.)


alicia houselog said...

Quit Google creepin on me. JK...

I pride myself on my Googlability. (Shut it... it's a word NOW.)

Minus Manhattan said...

This is the 7th result in an image search on "Libby Issendorf,"

Not all of us can have a name so Googlable.

In all seriousness, it floors me those kids are that ignorant. EVERYONE gets Googled when they're interviewing for a job, welcome to the 21st century.

alicia houselog said...

This is on my first page of my image search:

I am a cat lady. Google says so.

Monika Frech said...

There is a small german arts and crafts publishing company with my last name and some of their authors have my first name. a couple of years ago this was what you got when you googled my name:

by now, i outgoogle them by seven first-page entries. WIN!

is outgoogleing a word, too?

alicia houselog said...

It is now, Moni. It is now.

Jacey Berg said...

I'm pretty Googlable, all results on the first page are me - except for JC Berg Apparel. Which is "an up-to-date business" according to their "Internet site"

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