So far, Mrs. Houselog is the the front-runner in our picture puzzle game. Boys club is not quite right yet, but again she came closest: "Let's turn this dilapidated building into something useful" would be a perfect copy for last week's ad.
However, the real tagline roughly translates to "You can visualize it, therefore you can build it." The ad was part of a 2008 campaign for the home improvement store Hornbach. Here are some more images from the same campaign.

Heimat/Berlin, Hornbach's agency, has been knocking out Hornbach campaigns four times a year, one more surprising and insane then the other. And that is not counting fairly widely discussed virals or the innovative "Haus der Vorstellungen", where artists and clubbers temporarily transformed a whole house into a walk-in showroom and dance-in party location. Honouring their craziness, creativity and courage, Hornbach has been voted ADC client of the year and Heimat won virtually every industry award. Most of them several times, in fact.
And apparently the marketing works as well: Hornbach has been opening new stores all over Europe for the past few years and steadily increased its sales volume in spite of the economic downturn. And Heimat is not longer the young and small agency they were when they took over Hornbach in 2002, either.
So, thumbs up (and believe me, I am all thumbs) for Hornbach and Heimat. They confirm their own tagline: There is always something you can do.
After so much Germanness, here is an ad from France for this week's quiz.

The race is on! Will someone be able to catch up with Alica this week?
Okay... I was staring at this picture FOREVER and then I finally saw the EYE staring back at me...
I am honestly making it easy for people to beat me this week because I have no clue what this is for... lets see....
Option A)An Amnesty International ad. I dunno why, that was honestly just came to mind first.
Option B)Some security/privacy service provider?
Come on people... you can come up with something better than this.
Some sort of non-profit. Like alzheimer's awareness or child abuse prevention.
This is a toughie. Oh yeah, I'm introducing myself back to the internet and Yaybia!. It's been too long.
"Welcome back, J9!"
The Interwebs
I vote PSA for child abuse. "Forgotten children." Children's voice. Etc.
Fingers crossed...
I think it is a promotion for the next season of big brother. he is still watching you, oh my god...
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