Thursday, April 17, 2008

Chocolate for a Blog?

I feel the need to pop my Yaybia cherry. While this may not pertain directly to advertising, I still find it relevant to Yaybia. Apparently recently released a study regarding the passion women feel for their blogs, and what they would give up to keep writing and reading them:

55% would give up alcohol
49% would give up their PDAs
42% would give up their i-Pod
43% would give up reading the newspaper
20% would give up chocolate

What would you give up?


alicia houselog said...

Hmmm... I think I would PROBABLY give up chocolate as well. It would definitely be worth it.

Carina Enbody said...

i have to say, i wouldn't give up chocolate...MAYBE a few of the other things, but chocolate is something i couldn't part with, not even for a yaybia.

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