Thursday, November 20, 2008

Google Themes

I know Yaybia ladies are avid Gmail users, so I'm curious as to what everyone thinks about the new themes. While I have no problems changing the colors of my Gmail, I think some of the graphical themes could be a little much. While I thouroughly enjoy the "candy" theme, I feel it might be a distraction when sending out my resume and cover letter... 

Anyone know who makes up these themes? And can you tell me what they were thinking when creating the "Bus Stop" one?


Claire Grinton said...

I definitely like gmail because of the user experience--the updated conversations and whatnot--while the design is sometimes a bit much to look at. (that's partially my own fault: i have it so that i see the first line of the emails as well as the subject) I have always appreciated the simplicity of design with google and thought the themes seemed unusual, but i enjoy my oscar de la renta theme on my igoogle. i decided to give a theme a go today, but i chose one of the darkest themes because it uses less energy to make a screen black than it does white. (ps. check out as a replacement to traditional google)

Lindsay said...

I don't have themes yet :(

Monika Frech said...

When did they start for you? I had mine for a couple of days, I think. How do some people have them and others do not?

I also used the candy theme, but its kind of annoying that i can't properly see my marked-as-important-stars anymore. But check out the stones theme. Wbo can possibly concentrate on reading with such a backround :)

I would love to know, who makes them. It would be really cool if you could customize your page completely. Like the twitter backgrounds.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for anything that makes my screen more visually attractive. I wish there were more options like igoogle has, but all in good time....

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