Monday, December 29, 2008

Yaybia's Seven Things

Dirk over at Herd tagged me in his Seven Things post. I thought this would be a great time to share a bit more on how Yaybia got started and what some of our quirks are. After reading, you may not think this is a great time. Ready, break!

1. We've been asked several times, "What's a Yaybia?" Well, the mystery is over. We love silly YouTube videos and one day a friend shared the Clitter video with us. I highly recommend watching it, however, it's probably NSFW (depending on where you work). Needless to say, we DIED laughing. I was pretty much in tears. THEN, Libby and I (being the geeks that we are), wondered if was taken. Guess what, it wasn't. Win.

2. So how did it all start? We were all working on a national advertising competition and spent the better portion of spring break in the same room. A small room. Together. For an eternity (4 days). We all slept in the same room too, sick. Instead of killing each other, we started a blog.

3. Our favorite sport? Totally Scrabble Tuesdays. We get to drink and yell curse words at the TV. How could this not be in the Olympics yet?

4. The Midwest is the best. MinnesOHtah, Nodak, Cheeseland, Michigan and midwest GERMANY. Libby and I fight most about MN > ND. And despite popular belief, we are not twins.

5. We can drink more than you can drink. That's all. Don't believe me? Try us. We'll even buy the first round.

6. Collectively we probably spent close to 60 hours watching puppy cam. No lie. C'mon, who didn't leave an open browser window with those cute pups rompin' around all day?!

7. Ok ok, so this was supposed to be personal but I swear I'm not as intersting as these 6 fun facts. But in case you're still interested, you can see how lame I am by checking this out.

And we pick...

Our fave karaoke singer Jake Nyberg from ThreeVolts. He'll have to tweet his 7 things, should be a doozy.

Our fave politico John Sharkey

Our fave foodies over at Cupcakes Take the Cake

Our fave Minneapolis natives Daily Biz and Agency Spy

Our fave mother earth lovers Ryan and Jameson

1 comment:

alicia houselog said...

"Instead of killing each other, we started a blog."

<3 it.

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