Thursday, August 14, 2008

One Love One Heart

Great advertising starts with rock solid planning. From research, segmentation, and strategy development, great campaigns embrace the uniqueness of each consumer. In a fragmented world, these segmentation skills are essential, but they also highlight the rarity of events and emotions that broad groups of people are passionate about.

The Olympics: Of course they are valuable with ratings as high as those insane male gymnasts, Phelps’s press attention, and hours of uninterrupted coverage on air and online -- but what really makes them special is their ability to draw interest, attention, and involvement from people all over the world. No other [positive] event captures this many eyes or conversations.

I love planning and crafted campaigns that connect with individuals and local markets (yeah I’m talking about that farmer in Westhope, ND), but events like this make me stop and realize the power of those rare hidden gems that bring everyone together. Cheering for your team while embracing the only world event that doesn’t involve oil or an arms race may only happen every two years, but its impact can last much longer.

I don’t know if a brand or campaign could ever connect in such a way, but it’s worth striving for, or at least becoming a sponsor or partner.

This post could have lived on its own, but it fits better in Yaybia’s Flame Carrying Extreme Javelin Throwing Perfect Ten Olympic Blast!

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