Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The UnConvention, Or: Why I'll Be Hibernating During the RNC

It's almost time for the sleepy St. Paul to start buzzing with limos, Blackberrys, and self-important people--the Republican National Convention is just around the corner on Monday! The Twin Cities have been gearing up for these four days for months. Citizens are sprucing up their homes, restaurants are limiting their reservations to RNC events, and even our cab drivers are attempting to be a little more New York.

This new campaign from Campbell Mithun in Minneapolis invites all Minneapolitans to display some hospitality for the GOP-ers--or minimally, some tolerance. I like it. The GOP stereotypes are funny but not offensive, and it's a subtle reminder to be proud of our city and our Minnesota nice during the convention, no matter which side we're on. The only thing missing is some hot dish and an "uff da."

The body copy is really small but it says, "Every party needs a gracious host. Participate at www.TheUnconvention.com." From that website: The Unconvention is "a non-partisan collective of citizens who have come together to create a forum in which to promote the democratic and free exchange of ideas on important issues. It exists as a counterpoint to the highly scripted and predetermined nature of the contemporary presidential nomination process and convention." The Unconvention stresses the art and events that are going on in the Twin Cities during the convention, and emphasizes the alternative media that will be covering these and the RNC events.

At first I saw a great print campaign about Minnesota hospitality and a website for an interesting organization about taking politics into the people's hands, but I couldn't come up with a connection. Now I see it: get involved during Convention week in our own Minneapolis way. That will resonate more with the target than another "WOO NON-PARTISAN REBELLION ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT!!" message.

I don't know about you, but I plan to participate with some beveries in St. Paul until 4 in the morning...


alicia houselog said...

A) These are awesome. I think I prefer the print ads. I also appreciate the ones that have a real Minnesota connection. (<3 Wally the Beer Man!) Well done Campbell!

B) LET'S DO SOME NSAC RESEARCH. New variable: extended bar hours!

Erin Lamberty said...

I also love Wally the Beer Man. I was geekin' out and snapped a pic of him at the Twins game a few weeks and Libby was like 'uhh who is this beer dude?'. MN > ND :)

Jacey Berg said...

I laughed out loud when the Viking said, "it represents fruit... and freedom."

I am totally pro-extended bars hours. Anti-the increase to the already horrible, aggrevated-by-construction traffic we will be seeing.

Lindsay said...

Second print ad FTW.

I am not looking forward to these cats taking over my hood.

And Libby, how do you not know Wally?!

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