Thursday, August 28, 2008

Shaun White: Olympic Gold or HP posterboy? You decide!

I've been asked to yaybia, and so it shall be.

Most of you may have heard of Shaun White, snowboarding god.

However, upon discovering HP's wonderful new site featuring Shaun White giving a crash course on school and computer personalization, which is little creepy/cool because when I went back to the site a second time, Shaun said "OH, you again? Why haven't you called?" Way to follow my IP address, HP. But, I digress.

Anyway, upon discovering this site I relayed a story to my friends, hence the reason for my post today.
About a week ago I was at the Shouthouse in Minneapolis, and the piano players announced that Shaun White was there and would like to request a song (as girls flocked to the stage). Here is the conversation that follows:

Myself: Shaun White? The snowboard designer guy from the HP commercials?

Boyfriend: Uh, yeah. Also an Olympic snowboarder. One of the best. That would be a normal person's reaction.

Myself: Ohhhhh. He won gold then. Right?

Boyfriend shakes head and downs his drink.

So, way to be HP. You have made Mr. White more important to me as your spokesperson than as a 2006 Winter Olympic's champion. I don't know if you should be proud or ashamed.

1 comment:

alicia houselog said...

I SAW HIM AT SHOUT HOUSE TOO! (duh... i saw you!) I definitely think of the HP commercial (and American Express as well if my memory serves me right) before I think of his Olympic snowboarding as well.

Granted, we're ad nerds. I guess that's our nature.

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